Sunday, 3 March 2013

Proud to be English

That England is under attack from her enemies is taken as read.  Since the end of the Second World War dark forces have been at work to destroy England and the English people.  

Mass immigration is on a scale that will see the English a minority in their own land well before the end of this century.  

Race relations laws silence any who might raise objections to this attempted genocide.

Political correctness - the invention of the Marxists that have infiltrated every part of the Establishment - helps to get their degenerate social agenda accepted in every area of society from schools to police to church.  

All this is true and there are plenty of good sites that will rail against it; I will link from this site to some of the better ones.  I will not be above railing against these things from time to time myself.

But I want this website to be more than just an angry rant against the traitors.  I want this to also be a celebration of Englishness.

There are many who claim that the English do not exist, that England is populated by a mongrel people made up of waves of immigrants from whom the alien hordes who have arrived in the last sixty years are no different.


I shall tackle this lie in a later post but, even if it were true, the English in 1950 knew who they were.  Their neighbours were not strangers who worshipped strange gods and spoke in strange tongues.  The English were not treated as second-class citizens in their own land.

We have much to be proud of.  I want this blog to help English people to regain their pride by celebrating England and the English.

Keep the faith!  Fight for England!

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