It is hoped that one of the things this website will encourage is for people to take action themselves. It is not good enough to sit wringing our hands, complaining how terrible things are and hoping that someone else will do something to put things right. They are not going to. The government is not going to. The government is the problem. The government hates us, the native English.
Fortunately, many of the things we can do to make a little stand can be done with no danger and little inconvenience to ourselves. But these little things are important. If they didn't matter, the Establishment wouldn't be so eager to change them. Enough people making enough little stands can be the start of something big.
One of the things we should be doing is using our proper, traditional counties in addresses. These are the counties that have been around for many hundreds of years, as opposed to those, such as Avon and West Midlands, created during the premiership of arch-traitor Edward Heath, or the ridiculous 'unitary authorities' shown on modern maps. Use them in your own address and when writing to others, especially companies and organisations. The Post Office don't care - they have confirmed that, as long as you use the post code, you can put any county you like in your address. If you can, get hold of stickers to put on your envelopes to express a pride in your county.
A useful website is that of the Association of British Counties.
As they say on their website:
The Association of British Counties (ABC) is a society dedicated to promoting awareness of the continuing importance of the 92 historic (or traditional) Counties of the United Kingdom. The ABC believes that the Counties are an important part of the culture, geography and heritage of Great Britain. The ABC contends that Britain needs a fixed popular geography, one divorced from the ever changing names and areas of local government but, instead, one rooted in history, public understanding and commonly held notions of cultural identity. The ABC, therefore, seeks to fully re-establish the use of the Counties as the standard popular geographical reference frame of Britain and to further encourage their use as a basis for social, sporting and cultural activities.
And, as they also say:
Until recently, the historic (or traditional) Counties of Britain were universally used as the standard popular geographical reference frame of Britain. The location of every village, town and city of Britain could be simply described by reference to one of these Counties. We literally knew where we were.
The website also has a useful map of the counties. Why not print it out and stick it on your wall to teach your children the true counties?
If you are not sure what county a place is in, use their gazeteer.
Be properly addressed - use your proper county!
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